6 ways to co-operate for Industry Experts
SAFETY4SEA is pleased to outline the following ways to co-operate meeting the growing needs of the industry experts striving to move forward with confidence.

1. [FOC] Stay informed via visiting www.safety4sea.com & subscribe to our newsletterrs
We post 30 articles per day and zero noise, accommodating approx. 200K monthly visits and update 35,000 contacts on a daily/monthly basis. SAFETY4SEA is the sole and by far the leading voice fostering Safer, Smarter, Greener and Sustainable shipping. Subscribe at https://safety4sea.com/mailing-lists/

2. [FOC] Host an opinion of key personnel of your organization
We may host an opinion online and/or paper as appropriate, e.g. https://www.safety4sea.com/managing-wellness-at-sea-is-top-priority-at-wallem/ and promote it via our social media channels and noon reports (daily newsletter).

3. [FOC] Host a Video Interview of senior key personnel of your organization
We may host a video interview as appropriate, taken during a major trade show or other event that we are attending every year e.g. https://safety4sea.com/smm-2018/ and promote it via our social media channels and noon reports (daily newsletter).

4. [FOC] Participate in our Watch columns, featured online and on paper
We normally host a short (100-120 words) round of feedback every two months online and on paper channels and you may participate. You may review online version at https://www.safety4sea.com/seasense/.

5. [FOC] Participate as a speaker in our Conferences (SAFETY4SEA, GREEN4SEA, SMART4SEA, CAREER4SEA, Crew Welfare)
We are hosting unique, well attended events, both in-person and virtually, every year. More info available at https://events.safety4sea.com/forums/.

6. [FOC] Participate in the Awards Scheme (SAFETY4SEA, GREEN4SEA, SMART4SEA, Crew Welfare)
We give away more than 4 sets of awards to more than 30 organizations and personalities every year. More info available at https://events.safety4sea.com/awards/.